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Four Leaf Clover Luck Blessing Jar

This jar contains a real dried four-leaf clover. This lucky four-leaf clover was foraged by hand over many hours of searching. Only 1 in 10,000 clovers will have four leaves. This clover is not genetically modified to produce four leaves. This wild clover is therefore truly lucky.

This lucky four-leaf clover is not the only component to this blessing jar. Included are pansy, dandelion wish seeds, ground ivy aka ground mint, grass frond with seed, sunflower seed, rose, marigold, basil, quail feather, peacock feather fronds and charred bee’s wax.


All components were saged and sealed with the divine wood, Palo Santo, for your highest good. To further empower this blessing jar, it was placed under a full moon, in direct moonlight. During which offerings and prayer were given to Grandmother Moon for her divine feminine energy to fill this jar. Grandmother Moon has the power to control the tides, so she was asked to pull in luck and boost this blessing even further.

To better understand your blessing jar I will explain the individual components and their spiritual properties.

Four-Leaf Clover- The four leaves stand for faith, hope, love and luck. Ireland is home to more of these clovers than any other place in the world. Which is why they are a symbol of “the luck of the Irish”. In fact, the clover has deep roots in mythology and symbolism, long being held as a powerful talisman of protection against evil spirits. In the Bible, Eve plucked a four-leaf clover from the garden of Eden while being evicted with Adam. Bringing with them a piece of paradise.

Pansy- A flower long believed to hold magickal properties. Thought to represent the thoughts of lovers, hence the French word of ‘thought’, pensée. This flower symbolizes communication through thought, protecting what was said from others. It is included in the blessing vial to carry your wishes to the Universe.

Dandelion Seed- Carrying the child-like innocence of a wish, these seeds float on the wind and carry your wish to the Universe. In this blessing vial they are the holders of wishes. Keeping them safe and releasing them in turn to the Universe.

Ground-Ivy/Mint- Long held as a traditional medicine, it represents health. Filling your blessing vial with the luck and intention of good health.

Sunflower Seed- The promise of the Sun. Let this seed fill you with hope, and to have that hope blossom in your heart and radiate brilliance like the Sun.

Rose- The symbol of love. These petals grant this blessing jar with the intention for lasting relationships built on trust and pure love.

Marigold- Comforts the heart and provides protection while allowing your own psychic potential to grow.

Basil- A herb known for protection and money. It serves as the intention of wealth and abundance in this blessing jar.

Quail Feather- Spiritually, quail are seen as signs of good fortune and abundance. This soft downy feather was molted by a live and happy pet quail. Fulfilling the positive spiritual intention of this beautiful bird.

Peacock Feather Fronds – Thin and delicate feathers from the quill. They shine with green and blue iridescence. Aligning your aura to the rays of abundance and protection. These fronds were from a feather molted from a live, happy, and spoiled peacock that rules its roost. Filling the intentions with confidence and grace.

Charred Bee’s Wax- Bee’s wax from a candle used in prayer. It is then rolled into shape and bathed in a spiritual bath of smoke from offerings and incense. This thanks the bees, allowing their hardworking and community driven energy to recharge and renew your blessing vial as needed.

As stated before all are cleansed and blessed, the jar sealed with a cork and the bottle cleansed and blessed with intentions set. May this serve your highest good and bathe you in love and light.

Thank you for your patronage, Blessed Toe Beans!

Genuine Four-Leaf Clover Good Luck Spell Jar


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